Housing for Long-term Disabilities (HOLD)

What is it?

HOLD is a scheme funded by the Government through Housing Associations. The key difference here is that the buyer is able to choose a property from the open market.

Things to think about
  • Security - if you own part of your home you have more security than a council, housing association or private tenant.
  • Cost - when you get a shared ownership home you will need to pay.
    • A deposit to pay for part of the share.
    • The rest of the share with a loan from a bank or building society.
      Rent on the share of the home you do not own.
    • A Service Charge.  This is a fee paid to a landlord for services to keep your home in good condition. It covers things such as cleaning common areas and gardening.
  • Risk - you need to be sure that you can afford to pay all the rent, mortgage and service charge. You should get independence advice about this
  • Choice – you have more choice about the type of home and the area you live in.
  • Repairs – you have to pay for all repairs to your home.
Want to find out more?

For more information on obtaining a mortgage through the HOLD scheme contact MySafeHome.

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