Services in send local offer (594)

  1. Role and Responsibilities of all Teachers

    The Council recognises has an expectation of participation, fulfilment and success for all our children. Planning for progression and differentiation are fundamental to successful teaching and learning. High expectations of progress must apply to all children working above, at, or below age-related expectations, including those who have SEND.…
  2. The Role of Governors

    Duties of Governing Bodies for SEN Governing Bodies have statutory responsibilities for pupils with SEND – they are set out in primary and secondary legislation The governing body must do its best to ensure that the school makes the necessary provision for every pupil with SEND…
  3. The Role Teaching Assistants (TAs)

    'Deployment and Impact of Support Staff' by the Institute of Education (2009) reported on a five year study of 8,200 children.  The study found that children who received the most support from TAs consistently made less progress than similar children who received less TA support.  'There has been…
  4. Safeguarding and SEND

    Children with SEND are 3.4 times more likely to be abused than non-disabled children 3.8 times more likely to be neglected 3.8 times more likely to be physically abused 3.1 times more likely to be sexually abused 3.9 times more likely to be emotionally abused.…
  5. School Attendance and SEND

    Despite progress in recent years, both primary and secondary phases in Islington currently perform poorly in terms of school attendance in comparison with statistical neighbours. Children with SEND have higher patterns of non‐attendance; our aim is at least 96% attendance for all children. In 2016‐17,…
  6. School SEND Information Report

    The SEN Code of Practice says that Governing Bodies must publish information on their websites about the implementation of their SEND policy. The information published must be updated annually, with any in-year changes updated as soon as possible.
  7. SEN Governance in Islington

    The process of governance (or making policies and monitoring how effective they are) takes place at various levels across the Council. The SEN Governance Map provides details of all the Boards and groups which all contribute to the governance of SEN provision for children and young people…
  8. SEN Support in Islington - Behaviour Handbook

    The Behaviour Handbook for Islington schools outlines approaches and interventions which encourage and allow inclusion and reduce the risk of exclusion. Within the universal offer, which underpins the layers of support and intervention, is an understanding and ethos which supports the ideals of inclusion. It…
  9. SENCos in Early Years Provision

    Nursery schools that are maintained by the local authority must ensure that they have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who is a qualified teacher.  The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework requires other Early Years providers to have arrangements in place for meeting children’s SEN. …
  10. SEND Co-production Group

    A SEND Coproduction Group, co-chaired by the Chair of the Islington Parent Carer Forum and the Head of Pupil Services for Islington Council, meet six times a year to support the strategic development of person-centred services for children with SEND in Islington. Half of the group…
  11. SEND Discount Cards

    Many people use a recent Disability Living Allowance (DLA) letter or a copy of the EHC Plan to prove that they or a member of your family has a disability. Having proof of a disability may help to: get concessionary rates or free entrance for a…
  12. SEND in the Early Years

    It is critical that there is no delay in the early years in identifying the need for, and making any necessary special educational provision. Delay can give rise to loss of self-esteem, frustration and subsequent learning and behavioural difficulties. Early action is crucial to future…
  13. SEND Outcomes Framework

    Focus on outcomes All plans should be written in collaboration with, parents, children and young people. They should be outcomes driven. Plans should not be about input determined by a professional, but have has the child / young person at the centre, with the child…
  14. SEND Outreach Services

    SEND Outreach Services are commissioned on behalf of Islington’s mainstream schools to an agreed service specification. Their role is to improved outcomes for all children and young people with SEND by helping schools to increase their capacity to meet a wider range of needs. The…
  15. SEND Policy Documents

    On this page you can browse our local SEND Policy documents: Islington SEND Strategy, 2022-27 CAMHS Transformation Plan 2015-2020 Accessibility Strategy 2020-2022 Co-production Concordat Early Help Strategy Quality Framework for EHC Assessment and Planning Short Breaks Offer Islington Children’s and Families Partnership (ICFP) SEND Information…
  16. Sexual Health Services for Young People with SEND

    Sexual Health Services for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged up to 25 years of age are provided through a number of Young People’s Sexual Health Clinics based within the Islington area.  These sexual health services can be contacted directly by a…
  17. Short Breaks Cash Alternative

    The Cash Alternative is a payment made directly to a family so that they can organise short breaks themselves. It is an alternative to the activities and 1:1 Outreach services.  It may be possible to have a mixture of Short Break activities organised directly by…
  18. Short Breaks Offer

    This page outlines Islington’s Short Breaks Statement for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. This statement explains the four levels of short breaks services in Islington and the eligibility for each.  Universal Short Breaks Universal Plus Short Breaks Targeted Short Breaks Support above the Short Breaks Basic Offer The…
  19. Single Route of Redress - National Trial

    In line with Schedule 2 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 all local areas in England are required to publish details in their local offers for ‘notifying parents and young people of their right to appeal a decision of the local authority…
  20. Special School Admission Information

    Most children and young people with SEN are educated in mainstream schools. Each mainstream school in Islington is supported by the Outreach teams linked to the local special schools. Their role is to build the skills, knowledge and capacity of mainstream schools to make sure…
  21. Support from a Social Worker

    If your child and family needs more support than is available through Early Help Services, Bright Start or the Local Offer you will need an assessment by a social worker. As part of the assessment the social worker will visit you to gather information about…
  22. Supported Assessment Questionnaire

    When looking at your needs the social worker will look with you at the whole range of support available, including informal networks such as friends and family and what is generally available in the local community for all children. Where an assessment indicates that there…
  23. Supported Internships for Young People with SEND

    Supported internships are structured study programmes aimed at young people who need extra support to move into full time, paid employment. Supported internships are aimed at those aged 16 to 24 who have an Education, Health and Care plan. Internships normally last for a year.…
  24. Supporting Children with SEN in Schools

    Children usually start school in the September after their 4th birthday, and will stay in education until they are at least 18 years old. Throughout their school years teachers will plan their lessons to make sure that all children can learn at their own pace.…
  25. Supporting pupils with medical conditions

    The Children and Families Act 2014 (Section 100) placed a new statutory requirement on schools to make arrangements for supporting children with medical conditions, supported by related guidance Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions.  
  26. Taxi Card

    If you get the higher rate of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) you can apply for a taxi card that gives you discounted trips in a licensed cab. You can apply for a Taxi Card from Contact Islington.
  27. Team Around the Child

    A Team Around the Child (TAC) is a multi-disciplinary team of practitioners established on a case-by-case basis to support a child, young person or family. TACs support good professional practice in joined-up working, information sharing and early intervention. The model involves: A joined-up assessment, usually…
  28. Tell us what you think

    Complaints about Islington Council If you want to complain, you have the right to do so. Making a complaint won’t affect the services you receive. How to make a complaint Social Services complaints If you have any feedback or wish to make a complaint about…
  29. Thinking about school

    Young children develop and change very quickly. Many children who have additional needs in the early years will make good progress and will not need more support when they start primary school. Some with additional needs may need further support when they start school.  Schools…
  30. Transport to School and College

    Children and young people that have an Education, Health and Care Plan may be able to get help from the Council to support them with their travel to and from school or college. This will depend on a number of factors including their needs, their…
  31. Travel Training

    Travel training helps children and young people gain the skills that help them travel safely and independently. We have been working closely with Action for Kids who have produced a Travel Training Toolkit designed to support young people with autism or a disability to develop…
  32. Type 1 Diabetes in Schools

    Diabetes is a lifelong condition, affecting the hormonal (insulin) mechanism controlling blood sugar, causing a person's blood sugar level to become too high. Diabetes has implications for a child or young person’s schooling and learning. Every child with Type 1 will have a healthcare plan…
  33. Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a new government benefit for working age people on a low income or who are out of work. Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly. Universal Credit is run by the Department for work and…
  34. The Virtual School and Children with SEND

    The Virtual School has prime responsibility to ‘champion’ the educational achievement of Islington’s Looked after Children (LAC). The majority of LAC have some form of special or additional educational need - as a group, LAC are nine times more likely to have an EHC Plan…
  35. What are Special Educational Needs?

    From the moment they are born children are developing and learning new skills. They do so at different speeds, and learn in different ways. Some may be slow starters but will usually catch up with other children. Children have ‘Special Educational Needs’ (SEN) if they…
  36. What does an Educational Psychologist do?

    Educational Psychologists work with children and young people between the ages of 0 and 25 years who are residents of Islington or who attend Islington schools. They work in a range of educational settings including children’s centres, early years’ settings, mainstream primary and secondary schools,…
  37. What is safeguarding?

    The Children Act 2004 states that safeguarding children is about: Protecting children from maltreatment, abuse and neglect Minimising risks of harm to children Preventing impairment of children’s health or development Addressing children’s needs at an early stage rather than when serious problems have developed Ensuring…
  38. What is the Equality Duty?

    The Equality Act 2010 brings together under one Act all of the requirements regarding equality and discrimination. The Act makes it unlawful for a school to discriminate against a pupil or prospective pupil by treating them less favourably because of their: Age Disability Gender reassignment…
  39. What is the Local Offer?

    Since September 2014 every Local Authority has been required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have SEND and also services outside of the area which they expect children…
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