Services in short breaks (respite) (17)

  1. Children's Social Care and SEND

    Where a child or young person has been assessed as having social care needs in relation to their SEND, social care teams: Must secure social care provision which has been assessed as being necessary to support a child or young person’s SEND and which is…
  2. Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO)

    The role of the Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) is to ensure high quality social care input and engagement with the Education, Health and Care needs assessment and planning process with a particular focus on how different roles are supporting coordination of social care input into…
  3. Family Based Short Breaks (FBSB)

    Family Based Short Breaks enable parents of severely disabled children and young people to access a regular ‘Carers Break’ when their child stays in a FBSB carer’s own home on a regular basis overnight or for occasional day-time hours. We ensure that all our FBSB…
  4. Overnight Short Breaks

    Overnight Short Breaks assist families who care for disabled children to continue to do so, or to do so more effectively, by giving them breaks from caring, They are part of the council’s Short Break offer for disabled children and their families.
  5. Short Breaks Cash Alternative

    The Cash Alternative is a payment made directly to a family so that they can organise short breaks themselves. It is an alternative to the activities and 1:1 Outreach services.  It may be possible to have a mixture of Short Break activities organised directly by…
  6. Short Breaks Offer

    This page outlines Islington’s Short Breaks Statement for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. This statement explains the four levels of short breaks services in Islington and the eligibility for each.  Universal Short Breaks Universal Plus Short Breaks Targeted Short Breaks Support above the Short Breaks Basic Offer The…
  7. The Virtual School and Children with SEND

    The Virtual School has prime responsibility to ‘champion’ the educational achievement of Islington’s Looked after Children (LAC). The majority of LAC have some form of special or additional educational need - as a group, LAC are nine times more likely to have an EHC Plan…
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