Articles (425)

  1. Safe Havens

    Safe havens are a practical way of helping everyone in Islington, including young people, to enjoy their community knowing that support is easily available if they need help. Public premises such as shops, cafes, pubs, libraries and other places of interest can register to be officially…
  2. Safeguarding and SEND

    Children with SEND are 3.4 times more likely to be abused than non-disabled children 3.8 times more likely to be neglected 3.8 times more likely to be physically abused 3.1 times more likely to be sexually abused 3.9 times more likely to be emotionally abused.…
  3. Safer school policing

    What is Safer School Policing? Currently a named police officer is provided for the 12 secondary schools in the borough and one police officer is provided for colleges, in addition there are four police officers for universities and four dedicated police officers covering 46 primary schools.This arrangement has…
  4. School Attendance and SEND

    Despite progress in recent years, both primary and secondary phases in Islington currently perform poorly in terms of school attendance in comparison with statistical neighbours. Children with SEND have higher patterns of non‐attendance; our aim is at least 96% attendance for all children. In 2016‐17,…
  5. School SEND Information Report

    The SEN Code of Practice says that Governing Bodies must publish information on their websites about the implementation of their SEND policy. The information published must be updated annually, with any in-year changes updated as soon as possible.
  6. SEN Governance in Islington

    The process of governance (or making policies and monitoring how effective they are) takes place at various levels across the Council. The SEN Governance Map provides details of all the Boards and groups which all contribute to the governance of SEN provision for children and young people…
  7. SEN Support in Islington - Behaviour Handbook

    The Behaviour Handbook for Islington schools outlines approaches and interventions which encourage and allow inclusion and reduce the risk of exclusion. Within the universal offer, which underpins the layers of support and intervention, is an understanding and ethos which supports the ideals of inclusion. It…
  8. SENCos in Early Years Provision

    Nursery schools that are maintained by the local authority must ensure that they have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) who is a qualified teacher.  The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework requires other Early Years providers to have arrangements in place for meeting children’s SEN. …
  9. SEND Co-production Group

    A SEND Coproduction Group, co-chaired by the Chair of the Islington Parent Carer Forum and the Head of Pupil Services for Islington Council, meet six times a year to support the strategic development of person-centred services for children with SEND in Islington. Half of the group…
  10. SEND Discount Cards

    Many people use a recent Disability Living Allowance (DLA) letter or a copy of the EHC Plan to prove that they or a member of your family has a disability. Having proof of a disability may help to: get concessionary rates or free entrance for a…
  11. SEND in the Early Years

    It is critical that there is no delay in the early years in identifying the need for, and making any necessary special educational provision. Delay can give rise to loss of self-esteem, frustration and subsequent learning and behavioural difficulties. Early action is crucial to future…
  12. SEND Outcomes Framework

    Focus on outcomes All plans should be written in collaboration with, parents, children and young people. They should be outcomes driven. Plans should not be about input determined by a professional, but have has the child / young person at the centre, with the child…
  13. SEND Outreach Services

    SEND Outreach Services are commissioned on behalf of Islington’s mainstream schools to an agreed service specification. Their role is to improved outcomes for all children and young people with SEND by helping schools to increase their capacity to meet a wider range of needs. The…
  14. SEND Parent Parliament - October 2023

    In October we asked the SEND Parent Parliament: What does Islington do well in supporting children with SEND? What are your concerns about SEND in Islington? What needs to change/happen to improve SEND in Islington? The results have been collated below. Islington’s SEN profile has…
  15. SEND Policy Documents

    On this page you can browse our local SEND Policy documents: Islington SEND Strategy, 2022-27 CAMHS Transformation Plan 2015-2020 Accessibility Strategy 2020-2022 Co-production Concordat Early Help Strategy Quality Framework for EHC Assessment and Planning Short Breaks Offer Islington Children’s and Families Partnership (ICFP) SEND Information…
  16. SEND Support Plan

    A SEND Support plan can be drawn up by a class teacher, with the advice of a SENCO where appropriate, to help the parent and the school identify the child's needs and interventions to meet them. It is a teaching and learning plan and should…
  17. Services for disabled children in Islington

    Islington's Disabled Children's Services are made up of teams of education, health and social care professionals working together to support disabled children and their families. You can find full details of the support services available for families with disabled children on Islington's SEND Local Offer directory.
  18. Setting up a Nursery

    If you are interested in setting up a nursery in Islington, you will want to consider where there migt be a demand for childcare. Islington's Childcare Sufficiency Assessment will give you an indication of which areas of Islington have a need for further childcare. Islington is…
  19. Sexual abuse and rape

    If you have been raped, made to have sex when you didn’t want it or you have been touched in a way that makes you feel frightened or uncomfortable it is a crime. It is never your fault, no one has the right to have…
  20. Sexual Health Services for Young People with SEND

    Sexual Health Services for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged up to 25 years of age are provided through a number of Young People’s Sexual Health Clinics based within the Islington area.  These sexual health services can be contacted directly by a…
  21. Short Breaks Cash Alternative

    The Cash Alternative is a payment made directly to a family so that they can organise short breaks themselves. It is an alternative to the activities and 1:1 Outreach services.  It may be possible to have a mixture of Short Break activities organised directly by…
  22. Short Breaks Offer

    This page outlines Islington’s Short Breaks Statement for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. This statement explains the four levels of short breaks services in Islington and the eligibility for each.  Universal Short Breaks Universal Plus Short Breaks Targeted Short Breaks Support above the Short Breaks Basic Offer The…
  23. Single Route of Redress - National Trial

    In line with Schedule 2 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 all local areas in England are required to publish details in their local offers for ‘notifying parents and young people of their right to appeal a decision of the local authority…
  24. Sixth Form and College Open Events Directory

    The Sixth Form and College Open Events Directory lists details of open events at sixth forms and further education colleges. Events are added and changed regularly so please check details with the sixth form or college about the event you are attending.   The directory is updated…
  25. Skills employers look for

    Employers want to know about your skills Whatever job you are applying for there are some skills, abilities and attitudes that most employers want. These are often called ‘employability’ or ‘transferrable’ skills. Having these in mind when job hunting may help you to be successful.…
  26. Social media

    You can keep up-to-date with what's happening in Islington via social media. Islington Youth Council Follow the Youth Council on Twitter @IslingtonYC and on Instagram. Youth hubs Keep up-to-date with what's happening at Islington's youth hubs... Follow Platform on Facebook and Twitter Follow Lift on Facebook…
  27. Social media

    You can keep up-to-date with what's happening in Islington via social media. Islington Youth Council Follow the Youth Council on Twitter @IslingtonYC and on Instagram. Youth hubs Keep up-to-date with what's happening at Islington's youth hubs... Follow Platform on Facebook and Twitter Follow Lift on Facebook and Twitter
  28. Special School Admission Information

    Most children and young people with SEN are educated in mainstream schools. Each mainstream school in Islington is supported by the Outreach teams linked to the local special schools. Their role is to build the skills, knowledge and capacity of mainstream schools to make sure…
  29. Starting Solid Food

    The first time a baby eats solid foods is a new chapter in your baby’s life and can be both exciting and a little scary. The good thing is that if you wait until your baby shows that they are ready, it will be much…
  30. Staying in learning

    If you are in Year 11, you must stay in some kind of education or training until at least your 18th birthday. This means if you leave full-time learning, you must take a job with training or an apprenticeship. You can read more about staying…
  31. Staying safe

    Have fun and stay safe Enjoying yourself is part of being young but you need to think about your safety too. Safe Havens are places to go if you find yourself in a difficult situation.
  32. Staying well all year round

    It is important to stay healthy all year round.  When the weather is very cold or very hot people are more susceptible to becoming ill. This is especially true for people over 65 years of age, people with a long-term condition, such as diabetes or…
  33. STEM activities for primary schools

    Want to find out more about working in STEM? You can find out more about a range of local employers in STEM in the sections below.  To book free activities for young people aged 5 - 11 at your school or community group, please click…
  34. STEM activities for secondary schools

    Want to find out more about working in STEM? You can find out more about a range of local employers in STEM in the sections below.  To book free activities for young people aged 11 - 18 at your school or community group, please click…
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